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Colored shades when multiple colors are used

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:03 pm
by Dennis Bruynseels
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Use the included frost filter, to get rid of the colored shades.

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When you use the SixBar 500/1000 on a very close distance, for example as a wall wash, in the first meter you might see some colored shades when multiple colors are on. This is due to the lens of the SixBar 500/1000. We wanted to give you the old-fashioned look of a halogen bulb, but it has some side effects. That’s why we helped you out with an included frost filter. The frost filter gives you a little bit more spread of light and mixes the colors better from the source. Use the frost filter to get rid of the colored shades and use the SixBar 500/1000 without the frost, for the old-fashioned conventional look!